Customized Tracking Products

CS Asset Tracker

In every infrastructure underwriting model, there are many assumptions used to project long-term revenue growth, and the CS Asset Tracker is designed to track these key assumptions. This customized report focuses on the key revenue drivers, including macroeconomic and industry-specific performance metrics. This is not an “off-the-shelf” market report—each Asset Tracker report is unique, developed with client input, and can be updated on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Click here for an example Asset Tracker report


CS Market Tracker


Whether already invested or looking to make a first investment, tracking high-level market conditions is essential. The CS Market Tracker provides clients with timely economic and industry data points and optional commentary on recent market developments. Like the Asset Tracker report, each one is unique, developed with client input, and can be updated on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Click here for an example Market Tracker report